

Protagonist or antagonist of Veressahir, depends on who you ask.She's spent her life working in the most prestigious of labs, she's been on top of the world's capital, she's been the most important person in the building.

Now, she's most wanted in the whole continent.And, in leaving all of what made her life behind, she's finding a world she had never taken a glance at. With more than half of her life lived, she's discovering herself anew.


project in development

They called it veressahir; it means "magic in the blood". No one knew where it came from or why and no one knows yet. Most of them don't care anymore.The world superdeveloped in tiny population centers, hoarding technology and luxuries and leaving the land spanning between them to fend for themselves. Then, there was this new power that came to the light of the world on a petri dish and the only real, immediate urge was not to let it out of their hands.Arrogant of them, to assume it ever was.

project in development


Protagonist or antagonist of this story, depends on who you ask.She's spent her life working in the most prestigious of labs, she's been on top of the world's capital, she's been the most important person in the building.

Now, she's most wanted in the whole continent.And, in leaving all of what made her life behind, she's finding a world she had never taken a glance at. With more than half of her life lived, she's discovering herself anew.

project in development


The world of Traiteia has two political borders and three states that don't really get along.The world superdeveloped in tiny population centers, hoarding technology and luxuries and leaving the land spanning between them to fend for themselves.The Empire of Sortahdis is the highest world power, it controls the largest territory in the continent and most of the information that travels within. It constantly plays with the upper hand of having your enemies isolated and separated by thousands of kilometers under your watch.


The capital of the world, they call it. Suuriva, metropolis and most precious and spoiled city of the Empire of Sortahdis.The city is elevated from the land and surrounded by a wall in its totality. Divided in districts, Suuvira has a very clear distribution, especially proud of their Innovation hub. On the highest point, the Novasi watches over all of it, where the Council and the elite decide the future of everyone.At ground level and all around, the Tamat expands, where none of the wealth of the city reach. People there live off the land and the trading with travelers.


High and always tall, the Novasi stands, half elegant, half industrial building.In Suuvira, radiation and electromagnetic alteration makes nature think twice about trying to get anything into the city.Because of that, there's not many birds.Because of that, there's not much vegetation, either.

They saw this as an opportunity to exploit solar energy (because they need a lot of energy) and then killed every chance of seeing natural green anywhere in the city.As a means to preserve oxygen levels for the population and pollution off the air that could interfere with photon traveling, they forced green into their buildings.They found out microalgae was an easy survivor as long as you let it feed.

I'm Diana, an artist based in Spain working in visual development, concept art and illustration.Whatever-form-of-story lover, Animation and Video Game Development graduate.My focus is storytelling through my art, scenes that are part of something bigger. I love designing characters and building worlds, with a passion for creating stories that make people feel.I'm always looking for new stories to tell, so feel free to contact me!


visual developmentvisual storytellingconcept art
illustrationkeyframe paintingcharacter design


photoshopclip studio paintunreal engine
unity3ds maxzbrush
substance paintermarmoset toolbagblender

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